Makes Milk with Emma Pickett

Breastfeeding and D-MER

Emma Pickett Episode 79

Most of us who breastfeed, or work with breastfeeding parents, are on the look out for the symptoms of postnatal depression, but we aren’t always fully informed when it comes to a condition known as D-MER. This week I’m joined by two guests with personal experience of D-MER, experiencing waves of sadness and emptiness that only coincided with breastfeeding or the letdown reflex.

Mum of three, Jen Hall, joins me to talk about her experience with D-MER in the UK, which was improved greatly by the work of my other guest, Alia Macrina Heise. Alia is a retired IBCLC who, together with Diane Wiessinger, coined the term Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex after she experienced it herself while feeding her third child. We talk about what symptoms feel like, the state of current research, and what you can do to mitigate the feelings of D-MER.

Find out more about D-MER at

My latest book, ‘Supporting the Transition from Breastfeeding: a Guide to Weaning for Professionals, Supporters and Parents’, is out now.

You can get 10% off the book at the Jessica Kingsley press website, that's using the code MMPE10 at checkout.

Follow me on Twitter @MakesMilk and on Instagram  @emmapickettibclc or find out more on my website

This podcast is presented by Emma Pickett IBCLC, and produced by Emily Crosby Media.